“Remember December” Electoral College in the midst of Election 2020 Disruptive Crisis

“Texas don’t want Greg Abbott. Texas don’t want Gov. Abbott.” I hear you. American voters doesn’t want Donald Trump, heard loud and clear during the Election 2020. Over 73 million want Donald Trump and expects a different outcome on December 14th when Electoral College delegates the final outcome. A consensus vote is nobody wants Covid19, but the debate over wearing facial masks, and social distancing is as controversial as Election 2020. Is the answer on social media platforms? No! Yes? Maybe so. We could vote on it, but the election may be rigged with Dominion software, or better yet “Voters Suppression. What difference will it make? You say, “Texas doesn’t want Greg Abbott. ” He doesn’t get to run three times for Governor. Soon enough Gov Abbott time will be up. That’s the peaceful beauty of Democracy.

American politics are lowered to a third world level of violence and war. Strangers verbally assaulting strangers, extremely abusive to women. And females ferociously attack other females. All of this diabolical attack because you disagree with the message. The message doesn’t have to be harmful, racist; simply a point of view. “First Amendment for me, but not for thee.” Perspective is missing from rational debates and political reasoning. I don’t have a reason to dislike Gov. Abbott. Neither will I hate Donald Trump to demonstrate that my Black Life matters. Perspective is missing in American Politics. Her people has grown resentful towards other people political choices that’s different from their political views. Not so much the government as much as social media users who are aggressively controlling; prototypes of Authoritarian. Socialism. Communism. Very little Inspirational. Disagree. Be cordial. A free market exchange dialogue. So it is I suppose, the god of politics seems to be the case; entangled are a web of social media users brutality displayed while talking government.

A Christmas message for us all, “The Government is on His shoulders.” Isaiah o:6. Calm down! A new season and a new day.

Liberals offer something “New.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr challenged institutional racism in the Jim Crow era by holding America accountable to the U.S. Constitution, a promissory note legally binding into law the 1964 Civil Rights Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Civil Rights movement demonstrated the most transformative life changing progressive movements for African Americans in the twenty-century in the United States of America.

Despite historic trails of successes and tributes paid to Blacks accomplishments, the triumphant social progress among prominent Black leadership coupled with the promising Civil Rights Act had nontheless; proved powerless to eradicate systemic fixtures of racial oppression cemented in America political social order. At the onslaught of federal subsidies for Black people, poverty remained. A cursed trend of generational poverty among Black families rapidly spiraled downwardly into a despondency culture of Black people living a lifestyle all nested together in government projects funded by government subsidies. Symbolically, ghosts of Jim Crow past had presently embedded psychologically lynchings roped into disadvantaged impoverished conditions that stifled opportunities for Blacks to integrate into free capitalist economies of wealth. To overcome impoverished conditions to achieve the American dream nearly impossible. Black people who’d crossed the threshold into the wealthy middle class of Blacks were looked upon as a better breed, a worthy class of Black people who were different from the rest. Classism isolated from building and reshaping a better future for those left behind in poverty.

Left behind in the projects who were treated like the government foster children whom without love and care forced to provide a minimum degree of support. Two evils reigned, government dependency and an erosion of positive mentorship.

Subsequently, without a vision to achieve dreams of hope, prosperity and self dignity how does these negative influences foster a healthy sense of content of character? When the American dream has perished in the breeding grounds of government dependency on federal handouts, and monthly subsidies which are barely enough and just enough to perpetuate a frustrated culture of people who produces a multi-generational cycle who are equally groomed into a dependency on an ill-fated system to provide nourishment and shelter from nature harshness. When healthy human beings are disenfranchised because they are systematically robbed of self reliance to obtain basic necessities that’s the worst thing that can happen to any human being designed to meet the greatness of self sufficiency sustainability.

Since 2018 when Democrats majority took over the House a self-proclaimed group of Socialialist Democrats began to progressively promote ideals towards a future of fundamental change from a making of self determination rewarded in a free market economy into a personal reliance on federalism as a fundamental means for human dignity deserving of all basic necessities funded and paid for by working taxpayers

American Socialist advocates whose fortunate to not have experience being a recipient of sustainable federal provisions has the tendency to uphold unrealistic idealistic views of federal funding assistance relations. Their understanding is limited to the degradation stemmed in longevity relations relative to client reliance and federal provisions.

In respect to a history pseudo socialism of the poor, underprivileged populations whom has several generational

tal system of policies of accountability for all economic conditions that leverage the lower class on equal footing to achieve the rewards of capitalist opportunities.

Basic necessities guaranteed for the underprivileged will fulfill human dignity deserving the rights for Humanity accountable placed upon the government shoulders.

the Left wing of the Democrat Party is geared to revisit the Constitution and Beto Rourke boldly said he would consider abolishing the Constitution, this very important document that guarantees Americans freedom rights.

Whereas African Americans vote for Biden is a vote against racism. Liberal Democrats are globalist activists, globalization advocates are to decentralize a sovereign nation into the United Nations 21st century order of one government. The plan is to over throw capitalism through Socialism, lay in ruins America economy to model Venezuela, Cuba socialist nations. The mission of Green New Deal is to overhaul a capitalist economy and restructure a socialist model. Legalize open borders migration by getting rid of ICE and Customs border patrol officers who protect U.S. borders. Appfederal mandates are systematically itinerary, for instance wear face mask; trace track and test. In the words of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, “A leap into the future” reference to the future of socialism. A forced slavery traumatize victimize because socialism is the Book of Revelation economy “Fallen Babylon.”

MediaNews GlobalVoices Dinahcreates

Kronos: Mitigating Global Cybersecurity

Forewarned and threatened by adversarial foreign networks that systematically Cyberattacks would be the most significant battle in modern conflicts.

Could a ring of international cyberattacks be the shadowy enemy hiding its prickly thorns in the coronavirus pandemic

spreading across the seven continents?

Is America President ready to lead the world in containment and mitigation to stabilize larger populations economies, and financial markets in this 21st century warfare? Will the crown of thorns image eclipse into an underlining message, weapons of mass destruction in pandemic proportions? No need to panic, but community awareness preparedness is what FEMA, CERT, and first responders would prefer citizens mobilize.


Clyburn’s Alter Call

We’re in the season of Lent a prelude to Easter on April 12, 2020.

On the cusp of a historic feat for former Vice President Joe Biden who swept away a victorious Super Tuesday win it all began the week before Tuesday’s first Primary Election following Clyburn’s alter call to rally behind Joe Biden presidential bid.

Passion beyond the week is what we see. Happy Easter Joe.

Intercept: The Ninth Democratic Debate


Could it possibly be Mike Bloomberg entering 2020 Presidential Election race is a strategic play to elevate Joe Biden back into the race?

Biden maintained a impressive lead for months, but being a frontrunner came with many bruises that Biden just not physically poised to offset against physical fit candidates who hammered upon him in every debate. The former Vice President had to painfully whimper from blows, attack, and hard-hits from all directions whuch left the former Vice President punch-drunk.

Joe; whimpering with sounds of frustration needed defense so he could focus and galvanize his strength to the finish line. If he can make it to the goal post and win the Democrat President nomination, he can up his game and fight hard against Trump; possibly win the election, return to D.C., and perform among his establishment colleagues to get things done. But to be honest Joe just wasn’t up for the brutality that pounced upon his feeble body that kept him awkwardly disoriented to exert his masterful political savvy skills.

So here comes Mike, doesn’t need donors, and doesn’t seem hungry for supporters. Mike Bloomberg Bloomberg is the defense for Joe Biden.

If this theory proves spot on, watching the debate, the tactic worked well for Joe. Mike played the role. Bloomberg didn’t appear to be phased of the constant ‘hammering down’ that was played out on the debate stage.

Joe Biden is the moderate Democrat candidate that’s needed to champion pragmatic policies. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the rest of the progressive candidates is making it clear they will take away Wallstreet billionaires money and give it to me, you, and whoever else needs it and want it. No doubt the most frightful words drilled in political thinking is to threaten corporate Wallstreet that you will take their money.


Nancy and Trump: Rip it! No Applause needed.

2020 State of the Union Address adjourned with Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping President Trump SOTU speech.

Last year, 2019 SOTU Address; Pelosi received a lot of attention for her infamous half-smirked smile, and mischief applause. Memes of Nancy’s clap soared on search engine platforms and retrieved as the face in 2019 SOTU Address.

Once again, Nancy Pelosi performed at the SOTU Address and needless to say she didn’t disappoint. From last year clap to Madea’s rip it, mimick from Mommy Dearest movie, a gesture by Madea in Tyler Perry’s “Diary of a Mad Black Woman.” Pelosi shows the world a diary of a mad House Speaker featuring Trump, and Nancy in the history of famous State of the Union moments.

Whether you think Pelosi gesture was trivial, or depicted the House Speaker as a feminine being all too eager to showcase her emotions, you have to acknowledge her finesse to take one of the most grandeur event’s like the American President State of the Union Address and have us all talking as much about her ripping President Trump speech. Very good speech by President Trump which makes Nancy Pelosi appear obviously, touchy

Quite a relationship between these two; Trump, and Nancy. From 2019, remember the clap to 2020, Nancy rip it, Trump moment and no applause for anything the President had to say.

Rep. Tlaib sponsors a bill to repeal Opportunity Zones.

Opportunity Zones to econonomically rehabilitate disenfranchised communities of populated African Americans, and people of color obviously didn’t merit Rashida Tlaib approval.

The freshman Congress represents Detroit, MI, District 13, has branded her political views as a voice who “speaks truth to power.”

Tlaib’s bill was introduced to the House on November 22, 2019.

Summary of the Bill: “HR 5252 To amend Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal opportunity zones.”

If two heads are better than one, people of color in disadvantaged neighborhoods better hope bills that uplift their communities are not sponsored by Lawmakers Rep. Tlaib, and Rep.Omar refuse to work with across the aisle and members of their own Democratic Party.

Propublica published that, “Rep Omar has voted against a majority of House Democrats 32 times in the 116 Congress.(2019-2020)”


Storytelling: “OBT Internationtional Spy”

May 21, 2018: Having Fun, Sharing My Passion!

Between scenes of my favorite weekly series Scandal and real-time political spy games unfolding on a daily basis, I am convinced my online and offline activities are hacked!  I am eager to know and I am sure that in due time it shall be revealed if there are moles in my camp; and who will come forward to unmask the benefactors of those who bestowed gifts upon Hollywood? Overt or subtle; using in part, a theme, a particular style, artists works are reflective of a looking-glass. Before “The Crossing” I had crossed over sitting in a coffee shop drafting my narrative of a boat of refugees that were expected to land on Galveston Island.  The city of Houston Mayor was on the island to welcome their arrival. The mayor perplexed that the boat never made it on shore, and I still have space to create. so, I will share samples of my spy novel.


As President Baxter prepare to walk onto the stage to deliver his final state of the union speech, Chad William has less than thirteen minutes to deter the president, before he gets a call that American embassies across the globe were under simultaneous attacks, reporters tuned in to listen for the last time unaware of what’s going on across the globe. The operation is underway to send the new design “OBT Space Tech”, but an American mole, a sleeper agent employed as a staffer inside the Communications Department of the Oval Office has hidden the codes, one whom anyone would least suspect. Some speculated the president daughter who has fallen in love with a Russia diplomat, the second man in the line of KGB ranks. That’s the Department of Justice Office least concern. An International Spy, a sleeper agent holds a high ranking position contracted by European Union whose sole mission is to strip away American’s sovereignty to form an alliance with a secretive globalist alliance. This is the schisms that have taken place; protests, with a mixture of genuine voices overbearing partisan participation some overt, other’s subtle; spearheading democratic causes, the stage is set to lead America to her untimely fate and place her sovereignty in a pivotal role among the elitist globalist society. #FACEBOOK #HoustonChronicle #WashingtonPost #CNNI#FareedZakaria #NewYorkTimes #ForeignAffairs #MiddleEast

Democracy or Republican?

Author: Walter Williams, has served on the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics since 1980. He is the author of more than 150 publications that have appeared in scholarly journals.

Walter Williams is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University.

How often do we hear the claim that our nation is a democracy? Was a democratic form of government the vision of the Founders? As it turns out, the word democracy appears nowhere in the two most fundamental founding documents of our nation—the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Instead of a democracy, the Constitution’s Article IV, Section 4, declares “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Our pledge of allegiance to the flag says not to “the democracy for which it stands,” but to “the republic for which it stands.” Is the song that emerged during the War of 1861 “The Battle Hymn of the Democracy” or “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”?

So what is the difference between republican and democratic forms of government? John Adams captured the essence of the difference when he said, “You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe.” Nothing in our Constitution suggests that government is a grantor of rights. Instead, government is envisioned as a protector of rights.

In recognition that it is government that poses the gravest threat to our liberties, the framers used negative phrases in reference to Congress throughout the first ten amendments to the Constitution, such as shall not abridge, infringe, deny, disparage, and shall not be violated, nor be denied. In a republican form of government, there is rule of law. All citizens, including government officials, are accountable to the same laws. Government power is limited and decentralized through a system of checks and balances. Government intervenes in civil society to protect its citizens against force and fraud, but does not intervene in the cases of peaceable, voluntary exchange.

Contrast the framers’ vision of a republic with that of a democracy. According to Webster’s dictionary, a democracy is defined as “government by the people; especially: rule of the majority.” In a democracy the majority rules either directly or through its elected representatives. As in a monarchy, the law is whatever the government determines it to be. Laws do not represent reason. They represent power. The restraint is upon the individual instead of government. Unlike the rights envisioned under a republican form of government, rights in a democracy are seen as privileges and permissions that are granted by government and can be rescinded by government.

There is considerable evidence that demonstrates the disdain held by our founders for a democracy. James Madison, in Federalist No. 10, said that in a pure democracy, “there is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual.” At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Edmund Randolph said, “that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.” John Adams said, “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” Later on, Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.” In a word or two, the Founders knew that a democracy would lead to the same kind of tyranny the colonies suffered under King George III.

The framers gave us a Constitution that is replete with anti-majority-rule, undemocratic mechanisms. One that has come in for frequent criticism and calls for elimination is the Electoral College. In their wisdom, the framers gave us the Electoral College so that in presidential elections large, heavily populated states could not use their majority to run roughshod over small, sparsely populated states. Amending the Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, or two-thirds of state legislatures, to propose an amendment and three-fourths of state legislatures to ratify it. Part of the reason for having a bicameral Congress is that it places another obstacle to majority rule. Fifty-one senators can block the wishes of 435 representatives and 49 senators. The Constitution gives the president a veto to thwart the power of all 535 members of Congress. It takes two-thirds of both houses of Congress to override the president’s veto.

There is even a simpler way to expose the tyranny of majority rule. Ask yourself how many of your day-to-day choices would you like to have settled through the democratic process of majority rule. Would you want the kind of car you own to be decided through a democratic process, or would you prefer purchasing any car you please? Would like your choice of where to live, what clothes to purchase, what foods you eat, or what entertainment you enjoy to be decided through a democratic process? I am sure that at the mere suggestion that these choices should be subject to a democratic vote, most of us would deem it a tyrannical attack on our liberties.

Most Americans see our liberties as protected by the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, but that vision was not fully shared by its framers. In Federalist No. 84, Alexander Hamilton argued, “[B]ills of rights . . . are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. For why declare that things shall not be done [by Congress] which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given [to Congress] by which restrictions may be imposed?” James Madison agreed: “This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system . . . [because] by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration, and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the general government, and were consequently insecure.”

Madison thought this danger could be guarded against by the Ninth Amendment, which declares “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Of course, the Ninth Amendment has little or no meaning in today’s courts.

Transformed into a Democracy

Do today’s Americans have contempt for the republican values laid out by our Founders, or is it simply a matter of our being unschooled about the differences between a republic and a democracy? It appears that most Americans, as well as their political leaders, believe that Congress should do anything it can muster a majority vote to do. Thus we have been transformed into a democracy. The most dangerous and insidious effect of majority rule is that it confers an aura of legitimacy, decency, and respectability on acts that would otherwise be deemed tyrannical. Liberty and democracy are not synonymous and could actually be opposites.

If we have become a democracy, I guarantee you that the Founders would be deeply disappointed by our betrayal of their vision. They intended, and laid out the ground rules for, a limited republican form of government that saw the protections of personal liberties as its primary function.


Walter E. Williams

Walter Williams has served on the faculty of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics since 1980. He is the author of more than 150 publications that have appeared in scholarly journals. Learn more about him here.

This article was originally published on FEE.org. Read the original article.