“Remember December” Electoral College in the midst of Election 2020 Disruptive Crisis

“Texas don’t want Greg Abbott. Texas don’t want Gov. Abbott.” I hear you. American voters doesn’t want Donald Trump, heard loud and clear during the Election 2020. Over 73 million want Donald Trump and expects a different outcome on December 14th when Electoral College delegates the final outcome. A consensus vote is nobody wants Covid19, but the debate over wearing facial masks, and social distancing is as controversial as Election 2020. Is the answer on social media platforms? No! Yes? Maybe so. We could vote on it, but the election may be rigged with Dominion software, or better yet “Voters Suppression. What difference will it make? You say, “Texas doesn’t want Greg Abbott. ” He doesn’t get to run three times for Governor. Soon enough Gov Abbott time will be up. That’s the peaceful beauty of Democracy.

American politics are lowered to a third world level of violence and war. Strangers verbally assaulting strangers, extremely abusive to women. And females ferociously attack other females. All of this diabolical attack because you disagree with the message. The message doesn’t have to be harmful, racist; simply a point of view. “First Amendment for me, but not for thee.” Perspective is missing from rational debates and political reasoning. I don’t have a reason to dislike Gov. Abbott. Neither will I hate Donald Trump to demonstrate that my Black Life matters. Perspective is missing in American Politics. Her people has grown resentful towards other people political choices that’s different from their political views. Not so much the government as much as social media users who are aggressively controlling; prototypes of Authoritarian. Socialism. Communism. Very little Inspirational. Disagree. Be cordial. A free market exchange dialogue. So it is I suppose, the god of politics seems to be the case; entangled are a web of social media users brutality displayed while talking government.

A Christmas message for us all, “The Government is on His shoulders.” Isaiah o:6. Calm down! A new season and a new day.

The Right Ice Cube to make Black America Great!

Presidential Elections are too important to vote on one single issue particularly if the incumbent didn’t deliberately handle coronavirus in negligence.

According to President Trump he put forth an agenda that he believed would help hospitals and first Responders; keep the economy strong so that Americans would have jobs. Coronavirus stagnated the economy and stymied the country’s social institutions. Trump closed the border despite accused of racism for closing the border. Every state Governor; Democrats and Republicans alike praised the President for his expediency to tackle the virus and provide city states with safety essentials and equipments for Covid19 treatment . When Biden speaks on his coronavirus taskforce it isn’t any difference or something else in place than President Trump. Besides nationalize masks mandates nothing spectacular in reach of pandemic eradication. Trump is so hated, that Biden’s empathy for Black people without an exceptional plan of action to transform marginalized Black communities into prosperous viable neighborhoods, Biden empathy emphasized has given him a Democratic lead against Trump. It’s condescending identity politics to assume “an economic Platinum Plan to enrich poor Black communities is not a priority if a leader like President Trump lacks empathy in ethnic sensitivity.

However; Trump policies reveals a heart of compassion unlike his ‘shoddy; raw and rapper-like personality.

To be fair and objective, Trump placed permanent funding for HBCU schools. In this heated social injustice era that cemented the BlackLivesMatter movement following the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many more untimely deaths at the hands of police brutality. Unfortunately for Trump he misrepresented Presidential leadership to sympathize and unify. On Twitter he missed the opportunity. Trump is a strong leader and we’re living in a time that strong leadership will make foreign forces think twice. “Never forget 911.” Yes, President Trump is that kind of president. America, we’re in a war. The pandemic is a phase of war. Biden has served in government for nearly 50 years and understands empathy skills are a necessity in racial sensitivity. “Let the people of color know you care.” Trump approached the problem with policy. Words yet to be expressed to soothe racial wounds.

Comforting words of patching up racial wounds and redeeming the soul of America works for Biden. The people love it. Biden’s “Redemption replaces Trump’s Twitter devices. But, for the left wing side of Biden supporters how will Biden address their protests to leave the borders open and promote law and order to protect the American public. Will Joe Biden Immigration reform be based upon the constitution? All countries are a nation of laws. Leftist Liberals advocates America open border policies.

Henceforth; President Trump accomplishments are as follow: Faith based first step act bill led by African American religious leaders. DACA pathway to citizenship championed by Latino Hispanic leaders who have held a sundry of meetings with President Trump and obviously pleased with policy outcomes for Latinos communities, because there no media reports to decry racism.

Messaging racism is at the heart of Democratic outreach for people of color to vote for Biden Harris in Election2020. As much progress Blacks have made, will we ever arrive at a place whereas racism and ethnicity won’t be front and center of how Blacks cast their votes? “Racism is Democrats messaging power.” Yet, Trump Policy platform for economic empowerment of visionary initiatives to foster entrepreneurship growth challenges the mentality of younger Black voters. President Trump recently launched his “Platinum Plan” for the Black community. Trump economic plan is Rapper Ice Cube vision plan to uplift Black community where it matters the most, and bypass socialism policies. Economics matters in the Lives of Black people is freedom progress. Therefore, Ice Cube “Contract with America” goes Platinum.

Trump Platinum plan which is Ice Cube “Contract with America” is an economic Black American cooperative plan for a right to pursue happiness and self sufficiency, because wherever economic liberation is happiness gravitates. Therefore; Ice Cube “Contract with America” goes “Platinum.” President Trump wasted no time putting Platinum in motion.

So what will become of Election 2020? Who will win the messaging platform? Democrats?

Or will the Republican message to keep America great keep President Trump in office for a second term?

Because America is a great nation. Her people deserves a compassionate kind hearted leader.

Albeit, in these tumultuous times a great nation like America requires a strong leader who is reverently feared to keep her people safe and protected. Biden, or Trump? American voters will decide.
