In the wake of President Trump supporting Foreign Intelligence Security Act, FISA, a warrantless surveillance program that has arbitrary 18424172_1876746769245274_6643507900027425310_npowers to avert terrorist acts by invading private communications utilizing a method of surveillance tools and spyware apps.

On Thursday,  Jan 11, 2018; the House of Representatives passed an amendment to extend the FISA Act.  Trump initially objected to the FISA program but on Thursday he approved Congress authorization extension bill.  That same day,  President Trump in a private meeting with committee senators on formulating a draft to solve the DACA, Immigration issue. Following the meeting Senator Durban, an Illinois Democrat Senator reiterated that the President used inflammatory speech that was cruel and demeaning on Africans.

Albeit, having a committee meeting with the President one would assume strict confidentiality is the respected role of the office.  Not so in the age of surveillance technology where smartphones privy individuals to sneakingly record conversations and few seem to care that in a private setting it is an act of disloyalty to conceal the conversation is recorded. In this new age of surveillance technology, a disregard for privacy is the norm. Persons of interests like celebrities and those who are in leadership positions are well aware that privacy invasion is the territory of stardom status. The cameras and microphones are constantly recording and watching every move they make.  Americans civil liberties are fading that ‘suggest’ all persons have a right to a degree of privacy; your home and telephone conversations are off-limits.

Notwithstanding the FISA Act who doesn’t need a warrant to surveillance back and forth communications between Americans and Foreign conversations. The FISA Act grant government officials to monitor whomever they qualify as a person of interest.

Mr. President, you are an important person of interest. Your popularity is low among public opinions, you are disliked by Democrats and critically despised by liberal media. As the United States President, your meetings are not sacredly guarded as rewarded in the affairs of Trump ventures. In 2016, defense by the previous administration to wiretap your conversations Trump Towers was placed under surveillance in the rule of law holding strict accountability to the American people.

This past Thursday, when Trump disapproved a particular passage presented to him and harshly reacted using words of incendiary vernacular to explicitly describe poor and third world countries notably Haiti, African countries, and El Salvador.  Trump comments exploded throughout the global community igniting a blaze of comments on media outlets and online social media platforms. What started as an immigration topic on merit-based acceptance turned into a subject of race-based preference;  ‘Yes to Norway, No to Africa’ resonates as racism and accelerating the radar of disgust that simmers in public opinion of President Trump. Mr. President, have you considered that a continuation of shooting from the hip may leave you with an uncomfortable limp?  Your secluded meeting on an immigration document that will present a roadmap to permanent citizenship status overlapped into an open-source of brash opinions on race relations and a President that feeds into the opinionated view that he is as racist as they come. In 2018, gaze the compass toward unity not too late to turn the ship around and steer it toward a peaceful path that will make a divided America whole again.


Wars and Winter Storms

“Maybe this represents the calm before the storm,” Trump said to the Press following a dinner meeting with his military commanders. Afterwards; a few weeks before Christmas CNN newscasters re-visit the president Calm Before the Storm”, statement, attempting to analyze and speculate a whirlwind dramatic event.  Obviously, North Korea nuclear ambitions were considered as a calm before the storm; as of yet; only missile tests made by Kim Jong Un, thusly; the U.S has not launched a preemptive strike against the regime;  and of course there was the government shutdown looming and a possible dramatic flare-up between Democratic-Repubublican parties was anticipated

Henceforth; upon perusing an October article on the website of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),  entitled: “U.S Winter Outlook: NOAA forecasters predict cooler, wetter North and warmer, drier South.”

“NOAA climate prediction of the U.S emerging for the second year in a row as the biggest wildcard in how this year’s winter will shape up. La Nina has a 55-65 percent chance of developing before winter sets in.”

Perchance, President Trump “calm before the storm” statement had a multitudinous sentiment.  Some predicted the uprising in Iran, presently,  Iranians are protesting and calling for a regime change. Literally,  southern states felt an early winter storm, where Atlanta, GA, and Houston, TX received an unusual snowfall in December before Northeast states known for regular wintery snow season but endured a bomb cyclone of frigid temperatures. The tolerable December temperature in New York can be classified as a”Calm before the storm.”  Recent days, mother nature delivered Northeast a wintery cyclone riding on the threshold of El Nino a climatic pattern of irregular, frequent, complex episodes of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific.

In 2018, a possibility of the USA engaging in a conflict with North Korea disturbingly looms throughout the global atmosphere.  Is there an ‘El Nino’ forecaster in the house that can forecast the time and season of that apocalyptic event. Prevent it delay it, an aftermath of a nuclear conflict is unimaginable,  May the winter Olympics in South Korea be the diplomacy to offset a nuclear war.  “O’ Say Can You See” Americans are living in times of substantial peace, blessed tidings even in the “Calm before the Storm?” Will 2018 be the year forecasted for order and chaos to battle a regime change?  There were scholars and Middle East Clerics who predicted Iran uprise to overthrow the Iranian regime.  “Calm before the storm simply put; rejoice in peace, don’t take it for granted because you have comfortably lived in the blessed assurance of seasonal accommodations for extreme weather conditions. Be thankful for the moment when all things are going well.  Iran is weathering tumultuous times in a season of chaos.

Jordan Ambassador Predicts Iran Coup de tat.

For the past couple of years, Jordanian leaders have not only condemned the politics of Supreme Leader Khamenei, and Iranian clerics, but has forecasted Iranians uprising and the overthrow of the Iranian regime.

NCRI reports several quotes made by former Jordanian Ambassador, Minister Bassam al-Amoush to the State of Iran. The Jordanian Ambassador accused Supreme Leader Khamenei as meddling in regional state of affairs.

“He also added: “the Iranian people are civilized and Muslim, and Iranians want their rulers to care for them. Dr. al-Amoush said, “Iran clerical regime spend money on regional wars that do not have any benefit for the people.” Al-moush condemned the divisive policies of the Iranian regime which resulted in the breakdown of the Islamic countries. He said: “I take issue with the divisive policies that Khamenei follows as the Supreme Leader of Iran.”

Even though Jordan and U.S, diplomatic relations go back as far as 1949, and the U.S view Jordan as a peaceful ally who advocates peace in the region. The Jordanian leader has vented strong sentiments against Israel who is a principal ally of U.S. In a 2014 speech, Bassam al-Amoush compared the Jews to Hitler.

July 2017, al-Amoush said “the fall of Iran regime is near. He labels Iran as a ‘terrorist’ occupier in the region. The former Diplomat said, “We must cooperate with the United States and other Western countries.” Bassam al-Amoush blames, “missiles fired at Saudi Arabia on Iran.”

As the protests spread throughout Iran, al-Amoush words came to pass, mission accomplished for the Iranian rebellious uprise against the Iran regime, the protestors are taking destiny in their own hands and demanding change in the rulership, and tired of Iran clerics focusing on regional conditions.


Khamenei said “Enemies are Behind the Protests”

Supreme leader Ali Khamenei blames enemies for deadly protest in Iran. Khamenei was Iran President from 1981-1989.

Iranians Frustration with Globalization

There’s a growing perception among Iranians that President Hassan Rouhani position on globalization; trade, and fostering regional and international relations does not have a direct benefit to the Iranian people.  In October, President Rouhani had bilateral talks with Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In November Russia President Vladimir Putin held trilateral talks in Sochi with Iran President Rouhani and Turkey President Erdogan to dialogue over political groups influencing the conflict in Syria.

President Rouhani and Iran leaders are a major voice in the politics of Israel-Palestine conflicts, Rouhani has voiced his disapproval of United States President Donald Trump declaration that the U.S will move its Embassy to Jerusalem as a physical acknowledgment that Jerusalem is officially the Capitol of Israel.  Rhouhani said Jerusalem is the Capitol of Palestine. Meantime; economic and government corruption festers in the social fabric of Iran; and demonstrators protests that Rouhani should concentrate on whats best for Iran, they want the regime to create economic policies that are conducive to the economic-political environment that enriches the lives of Iranians.The people don’t see how President Rouhani international affairs; his position on trade, and fostering regional, and international relations benefit the Iranian people.

Iranian protests resonate a frustrated message that the government is not orchestrating policies that progress the lives of Iranians. Iranians feel the Iran government lacks a national focus for  Iranians
