D.C signals eyes not on US

D.C. Signals Eyes on 2021:

No better time for China to strategize than now while the divisiveness widens among U.S politicians.

Not that Republicans and Democrats have worked together since Trump win in 2016, but strife fumed in drama escalates daily. Following police murder of George Floyd; Congress and Senate had an opportunity to pass a justice police reform bill that has yet to happen.

Democrats complained the Republican leading justice act bill authored by Senator Tim Scott didn’t go far enough. Senator Scott accused Democrats lack of participation to engage and work together to come up with legislation that would result in cooperative legislation.

Nonetheless, the high profile coverage of George Floyd has ceased and media cameras are gone. Public viewing has waned and police brutality on the front page has given way to its original dominant content; the coronavirus pandemic. Also; FOX News reported that Democrats have agreed to pass a police reform bill upon Biden winning the White House, and Democrats gaining three more Senate seats which would make Democrats the majority. Henceforth; a justice reform bill in honor of George Floyd is contingent based upon who is in the White House and who controls the Senate.

Both, Democrats and Republicans seem to take a different approach on how to stop violence in metropolitan cities. Crimes; which has resulted in the fatality of babies. I assume Americans wants to feel safe in their communities. Americans doesn’t want their children to be a casualty of some gang members turf battle, and yet that’s what’s happening in the world we live in, and daily, Democrats, and Republicans in their safety zone take citizens harsh realities to vote harvest in Election 2020. Therefore; you see U.S political environment is an advantage to China, Russia, and God have mercy if there is other foreign forces taken a screenshot of USA great divide, a partisan war divided on the balance of justice, law, and order.

Photo: time.com https://time.com/5869940/15-shot-chicago-funeral-home/?amp=true


Racism, the Cross of John Lewis.

Racism in Long Island, NY!

Racism is a war of the heart and the most stubborn enemy to destroy.

Racism breeds civil wars, because it lies in wake to conquer humanity rights to exist. Radical anarchists are racists disguised to be for the social justice movement. They march with Black Lives Matter protesters but racists don’t have the heart of the movement. You will know them by their racist actions.

Peace and justice are fruits of the late John Lewis. Racists can’t really love America like John Lewis loved America because racists doesn’t embrace the ideals of American Civil Liberties; equality, justice, liberty, and the right of pursuit to happiness. This Black lady that lives in this suburban neighborhood had the right to pursue shelter, comfort, security where she desired to live. Her eligible rights qualified her. These neighborhood racists had no rights to bully this lady. A false sense of White superiority.

So, I address the President. Mr. President, when you say things like “neighborhood property value going down; demeaning certain populations. Racists react to your words and vilify innocent people. Racists doesn’t judge a person by the content of character. To a ‘dumb-hearted’ racist; character merits skin color. Racists are colorblind and can only see color. To degrade this Black lady in the manner that they did is utterly racist disgusting.

In this day and time where a Black person lives is still an issue in many affluent neighborhoods. In a cashless society money is green and Black is Black. Racism is blinded to character. Racists can only see Black, as if color of Black skin is the world’s greatest sin.

This 400 year issue is sparking a bitter civil war in America, and racists started the fight; actually they never ended it. From slavery to lynching to Jim Crow nooses to legalized chokeholds enforced by police brutality.

John Lewis, we will follow your example and love her, our America enough to address what will ultimately be her destruction if her citizens resists forming her into a more perfect version of a better America because her people cared enough to confront, confess, and adhere to correctness.

In honor of your legacy John Lewis, I say, God have mercy on America. God heal her and Bless America!


Jade Helm 15 train for “Order out of Chaos.”

Protests across the country continues. Coronavirus has shifted society to new norms that include tracking, tracing, and monitoring. To maintain civility in this new society and stabilize order, a paramilitary force that’s trained to deal with anarchy and out of control crimes sweeping across America metropolitan cities.


WHO is the World’s Doctor Fauci?

Dr. Fauci says he’s on a mission. With that being said, guess we can say his patients are widespread across the world, with one exception; unlike the traditional sense of doctor, patient relationship the patient is not allowed to ask questions that cast doubt on doctor’s diagnosis, or seek a second opinion.

Frightening, because the doctor concern for his patients are rarely a glimpse of hope. When Dr. Fauci speaks, shame on anyone who only wants to hear there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

In the meantime mask up, social distance, wash your hands and don’t shake hands. Don’t send your children to school, and don’t travel. Stay away from the beach. If you go to the beach and get in the water forget about the sharks, watch that human that may be getting a little too close.

Albeit, many scientists are in the world, and doctors opinions vary. You; we, the world, are patients of Dr. Fauci and that’s the order of the new normal.


Dr. Fauci

Continue reading “WHO is the World’s Doctor Fauci?”

Truth is Science

Mayor Turner said ” the virus feeds on groups of people.” Is #CityofHouston Mayor implying large gatherings of George Floyd protests contributed to coronavirus surge? What gatherings in the city merited 60,000 people?

I raised this point because everything is so unapologetically partisan from both sides Republicans and Democrats alike, and it’s a disservice to the people, and makes it hard to decipher truth. Not to say protests wasn’t necessary, because these worldwide demonstrations were effective in moving forward social justice change. Coronavirus new normal is to paint the narrative over frank dialogue that truth matters.


Star Spangled Banner isn’t a Crime.

Another deadly night of violence in NYC, and LATimes wants to illustrate Black Lives Matter by replacing the Star Spangled Banner, possibly with Lean on me.

While Americans witness a cultural of crime and lawlessness surge throughout cities across the country, isn’t it interesting that protests of “social justice change” simultaneously sparked Black on Black crime, giving weight to “Black Lives Matter” conspiracy theories.

For example, why would the government so easily lead the cause of nobility and esteemed recognition of George Floyd funeral services in the likes of presidents and kings? Stroking an appearance of social justice reckoning that Black Lives Matter. Now, following an awakening mood of systemic racism; Black babies are among the casualties of drive by shootings. Instead of police brutality against Black people, Black people are shooting and killing babies. “All Lives Matter!”

Dr. King say “Black tyranny is bad as White tyranny.” All Lives Matter is the inerrant message. Humanitarian makes us all public servants. We all have a duty to promote a civil society. Protest that all Lives matter to send a message that innocent Lives of babies matter. Anyone who takes a life of these little ones will reap condemnations and demands that justice is served.

Thusly, an appearance of mockery has followed George Floyd lavished services, and the daunting image of Officer Chauvin knee on George Floyd neck stimulated talks of police reform. In the midst of the movement, we see that Black Lives and Black babies doesn’t matter to gang-bangers, and ruthless killers.

At least police officers weren’t killing babies. Henceforth, New Yorkers are protesting to cancel this culture of violent crimes ravaging in their communities. Currently, the great debate among local, and federal governments are defunding and abolishing police agencies.

#HoustonChronicle #CityofHouston #CSPAN #kprc2 #KHOU11 #ABC13

Bernie Bros Unity Taskforce

Are Biden and Sanders Bernie Bros?

One American President system.
One Face Commander in Chief.
One sets the tone and the direction for America.
One Vision.
One Unity Taskforce a governing platform that will enable surrogates to act as President.
Smiles for all you Bernie Bros for sneaking in 2.


CityofHouston #CSPAN #kprc2 #KHOU11 #ABC13 #HoustonChronicle. #MSNBC #i24news #SkyNews. #Euronews

MSNBCLive #Election2020


City Lights.

Chicago Mayor Lightfoot said “it’s laughable that President Trump would offer federal assistance to solve Chicago’s murderous crimes that’s only effecting Black communities at the hands of Black people who has no regards for Black Lives, nor law and order .

Lightfoot scolded the President for not passing laws to prevent bad actors from purchasing military artillery.

On the other hand, Atlanta Mayor Bottom approached Atlanta’s 4th of July weekend killing spree in a more reasonable tone. Bottom held those who pulled the trigger responsible for their actions notwithstanding laws on the books.

From a lawful perspective the choice between sin, and uprightness are governed by laws in the heart. ‘The law to do what is right is a matter of choice. “Choose life or choose death.” “Do unto others as you want done unto you.” With all of Trump’s faults Chicago weekend killing sprees unraveled out of control under President Obama’s leadership, and former Democrat Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Politics are local. Law and order are local. Community taskforce accountability falls on the desk of city’s Mayor. Not mentioning there are laws that prohibits the purchases of military artillery.

Chicago obviouly needs federal intervention. Instead of working together to keep the city safe, the Mayor chose to chastise Trump, unlike Atlanta’s mayor, who directly addressed, and held accountable those who committed the crimes.

City light shines on community crimes. Responsibility falls at the foot of local leadership. Refusal to accept the President help paints a portrait of partisan politics. May God send forth whomsoever you need to like to put a stop to weekend killing sprees.

Elected officials blindsided by Trump only view all things pertaining to President Trump. The killing of a seven year old girl is the focus accept the help to prevent another weekend Chicago killing spree. It falls at your foot.

Crime, Loss, too many Tears.

Is it time for a third party change?

Trump is the face of the Republican Party whose unruly personality interferes with people of color, integration into conservatism.

Democrats vision is to defeat Trump, thusly, Democrats are engaging in extreme policies that are harmful to society and will suffer populations of the poor and disadvantage communities.

Talks of abolishing and defunding police officers are ruthless consequences. In waiting are alot of tears in Black communities who needs police presence. Lawlessness will run rampant. Look at Chicago, it’s like a weekend of wild wild west episodes coming to you live in Chicago. New York crimes and murders erupts on the daily news, all too frightening. Houston, TX is a hotspot for crimes of all sorts.

And Liberal Democrats acts as if its better to be killed by cold hearted thugs than police officers who are held accountable as public servants.

Democrats watch electability polls. Obviously, they don’t tune into local news nor read the newspapers. Oh; they read the newspapers, thumbing through articles on Trumpism, but not how they can effectively become better public servants to Americans.

Henceforth, What are the options to cross over Democrats, and Republicans? A third way may be an alternative choice since a more perfect union is the vision at hand.

A call for a third party is crucial to saving the Republic, and apparently saving Lives in poor and disadvantaged communities. Because Black Lives don’t matter to anarchists. Watch the news and see people of color raise deadly havoc throughout cities. See the brutality inflicted upon women.

Not only does society need police protection. Money fills the heart with happiness. Allow communities to censor police officers conducts, and have a stake in officers getting a raise. Police brutality will never show it’s ugly face again if police officers received incentives for not engaging in chokeholds and inhumane behavior practices.

Without a Vision how will a nation progress for future generations?

Look at the Democrats vision for the President in Election 2020. Our beloved Joe Biden who unfortunately continues to show obvious signs of alzheimer is what Democrat leadership are offering Democrat voters; and because Trump hasn’t been the ideal Republican leader, American voters are ready to take their chances with alzheimer and vote for a candidate whose mental health display an illness that’s signals to D.C, our Joe can’t run America.

Election 2020 is a disheartening state of affairs in these United States of America.

Lord! Have Mercy on Americans!

HoustonChronicle #CityofHouston #CSPAN #kprc2 #KHOU11 #ABC13 #Election2020 #election2020wethepeople #i24news #Euronews #SkyNews. #DinahHarris