“Remember December” Electoral College in the midst of Election 2020 Disruptive Crisis

“Texas don’t want Greg Abbott. Texas don’t want Gov. Abbott.” I hear you. American voters doesn’t want Donald Trump, heard loud and clear during the Election 2020. Over 73 million want Donald Trump and expects a different outcome on December 14th when Electoral College delegates the final outcome. A consensus vote is nobody wants Covid19, but the debate over wearing facial masks, and social distancing is as controversial as Election 2020. Is the answer on social media platforms? No! Yes? Maybe so. We could vote on it, but the election may be rigged with Dominion software, or better yet “Voters Suppression. What difference will it make? You say, “Texas doesn’t want Greg Abbott. ” He doesn’t get to run three times for Governor. Soon enough Gov Abbott time will be up. That’s the peaceful beauty of Democracy.

American politics are lowered to a third world level of violence and war. Strangers verbally assaulting strangers, extremely abusive to women. And females ferociously attack other females. All of this diabolical attack because you disagree with the message. The message doesn’t have to be harmful, racist; simply a point of view. “First Amendment for me, but not for thee.” Perspective is missing from rational debates and political reasoning. I don’t have a reason to dislike Gov. Abbott. Neither will I hate Donald Trump to demonstrate that my Black Life matters. Perspective is missing in American Politics. Her people has grown resentful towards other people political choices that’s different from their political views. Not so much the government as much as social media users who are aggressively controlling; prototypes of Authoritarian. Socialism. Communism. Very little Inspirational. Disagree. Be cordial. A free market exchange dialogue. So it is I suppose, the god of politics seems to be the case; entangled are a web of social media users brutality displayed while talking government.

A Christmas message for us all, “The Government is on His shoulders.” Isaiah o:6. Calm down! A new season and a new day.

Liberals offer something “New.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr challenged institutional racism in the Jim Crow era by holding America accountable to the U.S. Constitution, a promissory note legally binding into law the 1964 Civil Rights Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Civil Rights movement demonstrated the most transformative life changing progressive movements for African Americans in the twenty-century in the United States of America.

Despite historic trails of successes and tributes paid to Blacks accomplishments, the triumphant social progress among prominent Black leadership coupled with the promising Civil Rights Act had nontheless; proved powerless to eradicate systemic fixtures of racial oppression cemented in America political social order. At the onslaught of federal subsidies for Black people, poverty remained. A cursed trend of generational poverty among Black families rapidly spiraled downwardly into a despondency culture of Black people living a lifestyle all nested together in government projects funded by government subsidies. Symbolically, ghosts of Jim Crow past had presently embedded psychologically lynchings roped into disadvantaged impoverished conditions that stifled opportunities for Blacks to integrate into free capitalist economies of wealth. To overcome impoverished conditions to achieve the American dream nearly impossible. Black people who’d crossed the threshold into the wealthy middle class of Blacks were looked upon as a better breed, a worthy class of Black people who were different from the rest. Classism isolated from building and reshaping a better future for those left behind in poverty.

Left behind in the projects who were treated like the government foster children whom without love and care forced to provide a minimum degree of support. Two evils reigned, government dependency and an erosion of positive mentorship.

Subsequently, without a vision to achieve dreams of hope, prosperity and self dignity how does these negative influences foster a healthy sense of content of character? When the American dream has perished in the breeding grounds of government dependency on federal handouts, and monthly subsidies which are barely enough and just enough to perpetuate a frustrated culture of people who produces a multi-generational cycle who are equally groomed into a dependency on an ill-fated system to provide nourishment and shelter from nature harshness. When healthy human beings are disenfranchised because they are systematically robbed of self reliance to obtain basic necessities that’s the worst thing that can happen to any human being designed to meet the greatness of self sufficiency sustainability.

Since 2018 when Democrats majority took over the House a self-proclaimed group of Socialialist Democrats began to progressively promote ideals towards a future of fundamental change from a making of self determination rewarded in a free market economy into a personal reliance on federalism as a fundamental means for human dignity deserving of all basic necessities funded and paid for by working taxpayers

American Socialist advocates whose fortunate to not have experience being a recipient of sustainable federal provisions has the tendency to uphold unrealistic idealistic views of federal funding assistance relations. Their understanding is limited to the degradation stemmed in longevity relations relative to client reliance and federal provisions.

In respect to a history pseudo socialism of the poor, underprivileged populations whom has several generational

tal system of policies of accountability for all economic conditions that leverage the lower class on equal footing to achieve the rewards of capitalist opportunities.

Basic necessities guaranteed for the underprivileged will fulfill human dignity deserving the rights for Humanity accountable placed upon the government shoulders.

the Left wing of the Democrat Party is geared to revisit the Constitution and Beto Rourke boldly said he would consider abolishing the Constitution, this very important document that guarantees Americans freedom rights.

Whereas African Americans vote for Biden is a vote against racism. Liberal Democrats are globalist activists, globalization advocates are to decentralize a sovereign nation into the United Nations 21st century order of one government. The plan is to over throw capitalism through Socialism, lay in ruins America economy to model Venezuela, Cuba socialist nations. The mission of Green New Deal is to overhaul a capitalist economy and restructure a socialist model. Legalize open borders migration by getting rid of ICE and Customs border patrol officers who protect U.S. borders. Appfederal mandates are systematically itinerary, for instance wear face mask; trace track and test. In the words of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, “A leap into the future” reference to the future of socialism. A forced slavery traumatize victimize because socialism is the Book of Revelation economy “Fallen Babylon.”

MediaNews GlobalVoices Dinahcreates

D.C signals eyes not on US

D.C. Signals Eyes on 2021:

No better time for China to strategize than now while the divisiveness widens among U.S politicians.

Not that Republicans and Democrats have worked together since Trump win in 2016, but strife fumed in drama escalates daily. Following police murder of George Floyd; Congress and Senate had an opportunity to pass a justice police reform bill that has yet to happen.

Democrats complained the Republican leading justice act bill authored by Senator Tim Scott didn’t go far enough. Senator Scott accused Democrats lack of participation to engage and work together to come up with legislation that would result in cooperative legislation.

Nonetheless, the high profile coverage of George Floyd has ceased and media cameras are gone. Public viewing has waned and police brutality on the front page has given way to its original dominant content; the coronavirus pandemic. Also; FOX News reported that Democrats have agreed to pass a police reform bill upon Biden winning the White House, and Democrats gaining three more Senate seats which would make Democrats the majority. Henceforth; a justice reform bill in honor of George Floyd is contingent based upon who is in the White House and who controls the Senate.

Both, Democrats and Republicans seem to take a different approach on how to stop violence in metropolitan cities. Crimes; which has resulted in the fatality of babies. I assume Americans wants to feel safe in their communities. Americans doesn’t want their children to be a casualty of some gang members turf battle, and yet that’s what’s happening in the world we live in, and daily, Democrats, and Republicans in their safety zone take citizens harsh realities to vote harvest in Election 2020. Therefore; you see U.S political environment is an advantage to China, Russia, and God have mercy if there is other foreign forces taken a screenshot of USA great divide, a partisan war divided on the balance of justice, law, and order.

Photo: time.com https://time.com/5869940/15-shot-chicago-funeral-home/?amp=true


Star Spangled Banner isn’t a Crime.

Another deadly night of violence in NYC, and LATimes wants to illustrate Black Lives Matter by replacing the Star Spangled Banner, possibly with Lean on me.

While Americans witness a cultural of crime and lawlessness surge throughout cities across the country, isn’t it interesting that protests of “social justice change” simultaneously sparked Black on Black crime, giving weight to “Black Lives Matter” conspiracy theories.

For example, why would the government so easily lead the cause of nobility and esteemed recognition of George Floyd funeral services in the likes of presidents and kings? Stroking an appearance of social justice reckoning that Black Lives Matter. Now, following an awakening mood of systemic racism; Black babies are among the casualties of drive by shootings. Instead of police brutality against Black people, Black people are shooting and killing babies. “All Lives Matter!”

Dr. King say “Black tyranny is bad as White tyranny.” All Lives Matter is the inerrant message. Humanitarian makes us all public servants. We all have a duty to promote a civil society. Protest that all Lives matter to send a message that innocent Lives of babies matter. Anyone who takes a life of these little ones will reap condemnations and demands that justice is served.

Thusly, an appearance of mockery has followed George Floyd lavished services, and the daunting image of Officer Chauvin knee on George Floyd neck stimulated talks of police reform. In the midst of the movement, we see that Black Lives and Black babies doesn’t matter to gang-bangers, and ruthless killers.

At least police officers weren’t killing babies. Henceforth, New Yorkers are protesting to cancel this culture of violent crimes ravaging in their communities. Currently, the great debate among local, and federal governments are defunding and abolishing police agencies.

#HoustonChronicle #CityofHouston #CSPAN #kprc2 #KHOU11 #ABC13

Kronos: Mitigating Global Cybersecurity

Forewarned and threatened by adversarial foreign networks that systematically Cyberattacks would be the most significant battle in modern conflicts.

Could a ring of international cyberattacks be the shadowy enemy hiding its prickly thorns in the coronavirus pandemic

spreading across the seven continents?

Is America President ready to lead the world in containment and mitigation to stabilize larger populations economies, and financial markets in this 21st century warfare? Will the crown of thorns image eclipse into an underlining message, weapons of mass destruction in pandemic proportions? No need to panic, but community awareness preparedness is what FEMA, CERT, and first responders would prefer citizens mobilize.


Clyburn’s Alter Call

We’re in the season of Lent a prelude to Easter on April 12, 2020.

On the cusp of a historic feat for former Vice President Joe Biden who swept away a victorious Super Tuesday win it all began the week before Tuesday’s first Primary Election following Clyburn’s alter call to rally behind Joe Biden presidential bid.

Passion beyond the week is what we see. Happy Easter Joe.

Intercept: The Ninth Democratic Debate


Could it possibly be Mike Bloomberg entering 2020 Presidential Election race is a strategic play to elevate Joe Biden back into the race?

Biden maintained a impressive lead for months, but being a frontrunner came with many bruises that Biden just not physically poised to offset against physical fit candidates who hammered upon him in every debate. The former Vice President had to painfully whimper from blows, attack, and hard-hits from all directions whuch left the former Vice President punch-drunk.

Joe; whimpering with sounds of frustration needed defense so he could focus and galvanize his strength to the finish line. If he can make it to the goal post and win the Democrat President nomination, he can up his game and fight hard against Trump; possibly win the election, return to D.C., and perform among his establishment colleagues to get things done. But to be honest Joe just wasn’t up for the brutality that pounced upon his feeble body that kept him awkwardly disoriented to exert his masterful political savvy skills.

So here comes Mike, doesn’t need donors, and doesn’t seem hungry for supporters. Mike Bloomberg Bloomberg is the defense for Joe Biden.

If this theory proves spot on, watching the debate, the tactic worked well for Joe. Mike played the role. Bloomberg didn’t appear to be phased of the constant ‘hammering down’ that was played out on the debate stage.

Joe Biden is the moderate Democrat candidate that’s needed to champion pragmatic policies. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the rest of the progressive candidates is making it clear they will take away Wallstreet billionaires money and give it to me, you, and whoever else needs it and want it. No doubt the most frightful words drilled in political thinking is to threaten corporate Wallstreet that you will take their money.


Storytelling: “OBT Internationtional Spy”

May 21, 2018: Having Fun, Sharing My Passion!

Between scenes of my favorite weekly series Scandal and real-time political spy games unfolding on a daily basis, I am convinced my online and offline activities are hacked!  I am eager to know and I am sure that in due time it shall be revealed if there are moles in my camp; and who will come forward to unmask the benefactors of those who bestowed gifts upon Hollywood? Overt or subtle; using in part, a theme, a particular style, artists works are reflective of a looking-glass. Before “The Crossing” I had crossed over sitting in a coffee shop drafting my narrative of a boat of refugees that were expected to land on Galveston Island.  The city of Houston Mayor was on the island to welcome their arrival. The mayor perplexed that the boat never made it on shore, and I still have space to create. so, I will share samples of my spy novel.


As President Baxter prepare to walk onto the stage to deliver his final state of the union speech, Chad William has less than thirteen minutes to deter the president, before he gets a call that American embassies across the globe were under simultaneous attacks, reporters tuned in to listen for the last time unaware of what’s going on across the globe. The operation is underway to send the new design “OBT Space Tech”, but an American mole, a sleeper agent employed as a staffer inside the Communications Department of the Oval Office has hidden the codes, one whom anyone would least suspect. Some speculated the president daughter who has fallen in love with a Russia diplomat, the second man in the line of KGB ranks. That’s the Department of Justice Office least concern. An International Spy, a sleeper agent holds a high ranking position contracted by European Union whose sole mission is to strip away American’s sovereignty to form an alliance with a secretive globalist alliance. This is the schisms that have taken place; protests, with a mixture of genuine voices overbearing partisan participation some overt, other’s subtle; spearheading democratic causes, the stage is set to lead America to her untimely fate and place her sovereignty in a pivotal role among the elitist globalist society. #FACEBOOK #HoustonChronicle #WashingtonPost #CNNI#FareedZakaria #NewYorkTimes #ForeignAffairs #MiddleEast

Wayne Lapierre, NRA Chief: “Right to Bear Arms. A Right to Live.”


The general rule is that whenever a mass shooting occurs Republican officials are at fault because of their rightful claim to the Second Amendment. Nevertheless; we all can agree on an extensive background check to legally keep guns out of those who deem to be a threat to society. A logic that proves to be the case following the shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL.  The shooting at Stoneman Douglas triggered another round of debates on the “Right to bear Arms ”  and “Stiffer Gun Control Laws” which became the main focus. Media information-warfare accelerates.   It’s 2018 midterm election; Parkland tragedy became the perfect storm to subliminally cast an impression, carve a mindset, it’s the Republicans fault. Vote for Democrats we advocate to keep you safe. Don’t vote Republicans they want to arm criminals with guns.’ Sadly, grief is manipulated into a political brawl.

The mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas on February 14th; debates on gun control has flared with more blame, cynicism, and a stroke of liability satire.  The mass killings in Parkland, FL is not a partisan issue, The tragic is social, sinful, and downright evil; but to place blame on a particular party is politics. Democrats own guns too. And, It’s time to address safety gun control.  It’s time to draft legislation that will balance The Second Amendment, and establish extensive gun control regulations.  Going forward taking safety steps to enforce protection. People are grieving. Lives are destroyed. Mothers’ and fathers’ have lost sons and daughters.  Students are psychologically distraught.  It’s a time of uneasiness for everybody, especially parents who have children that they send to school on a daily basis.

Local institutions are first responders to provide a safely secured atmosphere. The failure to Stoneman Douglas  was a Deputy on school ground who failed to protect.  Constructive non-partisan gun controlled solutions are counteractive to making one party the bad guy.   Heartless remarks made by Conservative Dinesh D’Souza mocks Parkland school survivors. Daily Show Host Trevor Noah on the subject of guns, jokes for amusement.  It’s a solemn time for the mourners in Florida.

Wayne Lapierre, NRA Chief, addresses Conservative Political Action Conference(CPAC) held in Maryland.  LaPierre passionately addresses social issues in the times we live in. A message worth listening to.


Free Press Dossier on the Fourth Amendment

With the recent front and center attention on House Republicans FISA Memo that centers around an apparatus of certain individuals engaged in spy activities on United States citizens. The Free Press is also engaged in a war of its own that features political pundits, and the industry of Hollywood collusion in sync with media elites. The persuasive target is on the United States Commander in Chief President Trump. In the dire effort to achieve partisan political objectives, the media war of perception displays an unceasing abhorrence on the freedom of thought.  To influence public opinion, daily; 24/7 news outlets communicate a pattern of echo-chamber messages used as war tactics against individual intellect and reasoning.

Constantly, the public is bombarded with conservative voices versus liberal voices in the game of throngs in American politics.  Seemingly, Journalists are not shy to show personal gamesmanship in the art of winning the hearts and minds of the masses like sports eager to “cherry-pick” one side over the other. The messaging garbed in bias viewpoints is the jersey they sport. The problem is that this warfare of messaging is divisive and accelerates public tension. Thusly, creating a sinister environment while spinning the story for the team. In an era of the social media revolution, the Media overbearing propaganda has spun into a disservice to the public. In regards to news reporting the banner of the Free Press is accountability of objectivity; to maintain the trust of the public to uphold journalism ethics to render Journalism 101, fair and balanced, professionally, unwavering reporting effective news material.

In this bitter conflict of messaging American civil liberties fourth amendment right to privacy is the subject lost in the short web of FISA news coverage. Since Republicans released a FISA memo, Democrats are vying to share the Democratic version of a FISA Memo, the obvious targeting message is that President Trump Republican machinery is eluding Mueller’s investigation on Russia meddling in 2016 Presidential Election. Liberal media speculates Trump as the combatant of Mueller’s investigation. Popular news personalities defensively-offensively spin the FISA story shortsighted that American Bill of Rights Fourth Amendment should not be jeopardized. If there’s no watchdog to safeguard “The right to privacy alluded to in the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution, which states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath. When the profession of journalism has become lukewarm to its own code of ethics; and acts of a shield to conceal and reveal is gaged upon subjectivity, a disservice to the public they serve is cheated of receiving viable information from newsmakers they trust. Every four years’ voters return to the voting polls to elect a United States President. Therefore, fair and balanced reporting on the FISA Memo is farsighted beyond the sitting president.

FISA is a shadowy entity comprised of individuals who work within the scope of autonomy secrecy. People are flawed and when hidden inside a deep state of judicial secrecy, the intent of anonymous rogue behavior is not farfetched. History has revealed rank and file officers spying on governments, bad actors and peaceful individuals’ labeled as troublemakers, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., whom were spied on and lived under the radar of FBI agents in the J. Edgar Hoover administration. Without a doubt it’s easy to presume the Civil Rights icon, Congressman John Lewis possesses knowledge of surveillance wiretapping imposed on key leaders’ demonstration of voting rights for African-Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. When the media draw the line in the sand to win the messaging war by any means necessary, their profession echo as agents of the status quo political aligning with political parties. FISA International Dominance supersedes domestic Civil Liberties. They report to a foreign court outside of United States jurisdiction that protects Americans certain rights of privacy invasion from the government, law enforcement and corporate entities.

The Fourth Amendment Bill of Rights clause to the U.S Constitution guarantees that “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, ‘spy, utilize methods of surveillance wiretapping without attaining a court warrant showing probable reasons for illegal, terrorist activities




