Liberals offer something “New.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr challenged institutional racism in the Jim Crow era by holding America accountable to the U.S. Constitution, a promissory note legally binding into law the 1964 Civil Rights Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson. The Civil Rights movement demonstrated the most transformative life changing progressive movements for African Americans in the twenty-century in the United States of America.

Despite historic trails of successes and tributes paid to Blacks accomplishments, the triumphant social progress among prominent Black leadership coupled with the promising Civil Rights Act had nontheless; proved powerless to eradicate systemic fixtures of racial oppression cemented in America political social order. At the onslaught of federal subsidies for Black people, poverty remained. A cursed trend of generational poverty among Black families rapidly spiraled downwardly into a despondency culture of Black people living a lifestyle all nested together in government projects funded by government subsidies. Symbolically, ghosts of Jim Crow past had presently embedded psychologically lynchings roped into disadvantaged impoverished conditions that stifled opportunities for Blacks to integrate into free capitalist economies of wealth. To overcome impoverished conditions to achieve the American dream nearly impossible. Black people who’d crossed the threshold into the wealthy middle class of Blacks were looked upon as a better breed, a worthy class of Black people who were different from the rest. Classism isolated from building and reshaping a better future for those left behind in poverty.

Left behind in the projects who were treated like the government foster children whom without love and care forced to provide a minimum degree of support. Two evils reigned, government dependency and an erosion of positive mentorship.

Subsequently, without a vision to achieve dreams of hope, prosperity and self dignity how does these negative influences foster a healthy sense of content of character? When the American dream has perished in the breeding grounds of government dependency on federal handouts, and monthly subsidies which are barely enough and just enough to perpetuate a frustrated culture of people who produces a multi-generational cycle who are equally groomed into a dependency on an ill-fated system to provide nourishment and shelter from nature harshness. When healthy human beings are disenfranchised because they are systematically robbed of self reliance to obtain basic necessities that’s the worst thing that can happen to any human being designed to meet the greatness of self sufficiency sustainability.

Since 2018 when Democrats majority took over the House a self-proclaimed group of Socialialist Democrats began to progressively promote ideals towards a future of fundamental change from a making of self determination rewarded in a free market economy into a personal reliance on federalism as a fundamental means for human dignity deserving of all basic necessities funded and paid for by working taxpayers

American Socialist advocates whose fortunate to not have experience being a recipient of sustainable federal provisions has the tendency to uphold unrealistic idealistic views of federal funding assistance relations. Their understanding is limited to the degradation stemmed in longevity relations relative to client reliance and federal provisions.

In respect to a history pseudo socialism of the poor, underprivileged populations whom has several generational

tal system of policies of accountability for all economic conditions that leverage the lower class on equal footing to achieve the rewards of capitalist opportunities.

Basic necessities guaranteed for the underprivileged will fulfill human dignity deserving the rights for Humanity accountable placed upon the government shoulders.

the Left wing of the Democrat Party is geared to revisit the Constitution and Beto Rourke boldly said he would consider abolishing the Constitution, this very important document that guarantees Americans freedom rights.

Whereas African Americans vote for Biden is a vote against racism. Liberal Democrats are globalist activists, globalization advocates are to decentralize a sovereign nation into the United Nations 21st century order of one government. The plan is to over throw capitalism through Socialism, lay in ruins America economy to model Venezuela, Cuba socialist nations. The mission of Green New Deal is to overhaul a capitalist economy and restructure a socialist model. Legalize open borders migration by getting rid of ICE and Customs border patrol officers who protect U.S. borders. Appfederal mandates are systematically itinerary, for instance wear face mask; trace track and test. In the words of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, “A leap into the future” reference to the future of socialism. A forced slavery traumatize victimize because socialism is the Book of Revelation economy “Fallen Babylon.”

MediaNews GlobalVoices Dinahcreates

The Right Ice Cube to make Black America Great!

Presidential Elections are too important to vote on one single issue particularly if the incumbent didn’t deliberately handle coronavirus in negligence.

According to President Trump he put forth an agenda that he believed would help hospitals and first Responders; keep the economy strong so that Americans would have jobs. Coronavirus stagnated the economy and stymied the country’s social institutions. Trump closed the border despite accused of racism for closing the border. Every state Governor; Democrats and Republicans alike praised the President for his expediency to tackle the virus and provide city states with safety essentials and equipments for Covid19 treatment . When Biden speaks on his coronavirus taskforce it isn’t any difference or something else in place than President Trump. Besides nationalize masks mandates nothing spectacular in reach of pandemic eradication. Trump is so hated, that Biden’s empathy for Black people without an exceptional plan of action to transform marginalized Black communities into prosperous viable neighborhoods, Biden empathy emphasized has given him a Democratic lead against Trump. It’s condescending identity politics to assume “an economic Platinum Plan to enrich poor Black communities is not a priority if a leader like President Trump lacks empathy in ethnic sensitivity.

However; Trump policies reveals a heart of compassion unlike his ‘shoddy; raw and rapper-like personality.

To be fair and objective, Trump placed permanent funding for HBCU schools. In this heated social injustice era that cemented the BlackLivesMatter movement following the killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and many more untimely deaths at the hands of police brutality. Unfortunately for Trump he misrepresented Presidential leadership to sympathize and unify. On Twitter he missed the opportunity. Trump is a strong leader and we’re living in a time that strong leadership will make foreign forces think twice. “Never forget 911.” Yes, President Trump is that kind of president. America, we’re in a war. The pandemic is a phase of war. Biden has served in government for nearly 50 years and understands empathy skills are a necessity in racial sensitivity. “Let the people of color know you care.” Trump approached the problem with policy. Words yet to be expressed to soothe racial wounds.

Comforting words of patching up racial wounds and redeeming the soul of America works for Biden. The people love it. Biden’s “Redemption replaces Trump’s Twitter devices. But, for the left wing side of Biden supporters how will Biden address their protests to leave the borders open and promote law and order to protect the American public. Will Joe Biden Immigration reform be based upon the constitution? All countries are a nation of laws. Leftist Liberals advocates America open border policies.

Henceforth; President Trump accomplishments are as follow: Faith based first step act bill led by African American religious leaders. DACA pathway to citizenship championed by Latino Hispanic leaders who have held a sundry of meetings with President Trump and obviously pleased with policy outcomes for Latinos communities, because there no media reports to decry racism.

Messaging racism is at the heart of Democratic outreach for people of color to vote for Biden Harris in Election2020. As much progress Blacks have made, will we ever arrive at a place whereas racism and ethnicity won’t be front and center of how Blacks cast their votes? “Racism is Democrats messaging power.” Yet, Trump Policy platform for economic empowerment of visionary initiatives to foster entrepreneurship growth challenges the mentality of younger Black voters. President Trump recently launched his “Platinum Plan” for the Black community. Trump economic plan is Rapper Ice Cube vision plan to uplift Black community where it matters the most, and bypass socialism policies. Economics matters in the Lives of Black people is freedom progress. Therefore, Ice Cube “Contract with America” goes Platinum.

Trump Platinum plan which is Ice Cube “Contract with America” is an economic Black American cooperative plan for a right to pursue happiness and self sufficiency, because wherever economic liberation is happiness gravitates. Therefore; Ice Cube “Contract with America” goes “Platinum.” President Trump wasted no time putting Platinum in motion.

So what will become of Election 2020? Who will win the messaging platform? Democrats?

Or will the Republican message to keep America great keep President Trump in office for a second term?

Because America is a great nation. Her people deserves a compassionate kind hearted leader.

Albeit, in these tumultuous times a great nation like America requires a strong leader who is reverently feared to keep her people safe and protected. Biden, or Trump? American voters will decide.


Will the Free Press please Be fair?

Now the Press is saying anything whatever they perceive will hurt the President chance of winning Election 2020.

China’s Wuhan Lab unleashed the most deadly virus in our time and the Press has yet to say China not only risked America national security but jeopardized a worldwide security breach. Millions have died and less than an hour we have to sit through a debate and listen at President of the United States take the blame for Covid19. The Press hates the President and that’s the biggest threat to Democracy. We the people doesn’t grant the President no more than eight years. It’s Democracy freedoms that allow the Press to keep the public informed, and with that freedom our Press has abused its power, no longer approaching the subjects cautiously, but acting like public relations propaganda activists playing a vital role in a planned coup.

So weary of the Press ongoing negative role an institution we need to be objective, fair and balanced.

Unscripted Territory

Unscripted questions concerning Socialism, the physics of Climate Change Sustainability and Civil Liberties:

Climate Change sustainability and Covid19. When coronavirus struck the world’s industries, institutions shifted into uncharted territories on how to conduct business.

Schools are currently closed since March. And yet we have political operatives eager to overhaul the nation with green new deal ideas, and no one ask how can an undertaking of aligning human ingenuity to control rain, sleet and snow, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes, droughts and firestorms, tornadoes and floods, but no plans to open up schools and find vaccines and therapeutics for current and future virus pandemics. To simplify healing the planet and can’t heal humans from coronavirus and restore normacy is just puzzling.

What gives me pause is that on the subject of climate change sustainability, scientist aren’t talking solutions to climate change crisis. Politicians has taken over climate change conversations. Unapologetically; the boss over climate change discussions.

Therefore, politicization of climate change sustainability, and political approach to solving the climate change crisis are massive Socialist rule systems on economy overhaul to accompany a distribution of public goods. Where are scientists on the subject?

Socialist governments control civil liberties; totalitarian remotely invasion on consumption and government regulations rights to dictate the distribution of public goods. The  physical landscape of Union  States union are uniquely structured. How does one massive overhaul of Socialist policies offset a revolutionary fall? Totalitarian communism governments doesn’t allow their people to ask questions. Whether it’s coronavirus or Socialist climate change policies, the subject at hand is there’s no wiggle room for dissent, debates, only the totalitarian authoritative way; “This is the way it’s going to be.” Democracy dies because socialism is too big to fail.

Continue reading “Unscripted Territory”

Kronos: Mitigating Global Cybersecurity

Forewarned and threatened by adversarial foreign networks that systematically Cyberattacks would be the most significant battle in modern conflicts.

Could a ring of international cyberattacks be the shadowy enemy hiding its prickly thorns in the coronavirus pandemic

spreading across the seven continents?

Is America President ready to lead the world in containment and mitigation to stabilize larger populations economies, and financial markets in this 21st century warfare? Will the crown of thorns image eclipse into an underlining message, weapons of mass destruction in pandemic proportions? No need to panic, but community awareness preparedness is what FEMA, CERT, and first responders would prefer citizens mobilize.

Intercept: The Ninth Democratic Debate


Could it possibly be Mike Bloomberg entering 2020 Presidential Election race is a strategic play to elevate Joe Biden back into the race?

Biden maintained a impressive lead for months, but being a frontrunner came with many bruises that Biden just not physically poised to offset against physical fit candidates who hammered upon him in every debate. The former Vice President had to painfully whimper from blows, attack, and hard-hits from all directions whuch left the former Vice President punch-drunk.

Joe; whimpering with sounds of frustration needed defense so he could focus and galvanize his strength to the finish line. If he can make it to the goal post and win the Democrat President nomination, he can up his game and fight hard against Trump; possibly win the election, return to D.C., and perform among his establishment colleagues to get things done. But to be honest Joe just wasn’t up for the brutality that pounced upon his feeble body that kept him awkwardly disoriented to exert his masterful political savvy skills.

So here comes Mike, doesn’t need donors, and doesn’t seem hungry for supporters. Mike Bloomberg Bloomberg is the defense for Joe Biden.

If this theory proves spot on, watching the debate, the tactic worked well for Joe. Mike played the role. Bloomberg didn’t appear to be phased of the constant ‘hammering down’ that was played out on the debate stage.

Joe Biden is the moderate Democrat candidate that’s needed to champion pragmatic policies. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and the rest of the progressive candidates is making it clear they will take away Wallstreet billionaires money and give it to me, you, and whoever else needs it and want it. No doubt the most frightful words drilled in political thinking is to threaten corporate Wallstreet that you will take their money.


Nancy and Trump: Rip it! No Applause needed.

2020 State of the Union Address adjourned with Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ripping President Trump SOTU speech.

Last year, 2019 SOTU Address; Pelosi received a lot of attention for her infamous half-smirked smile, and mischief applause. Memes of Nancy’s clap soared on search engine platforms and retrieved as the face in 2019 SOTU Address.

Once again, Nancy Pelosi performed at the SOTU Address and needless to say she didn’t disappoint. From last year clap to Madea’s rip it, mimick from Mommy Dearest movie, a gesture by Madea in Tyler Perry’s “Diary of a Mad Black Woman.” Pelosi shows the world a diary of a mad House Speaker featuring Trump, and Nancy in the history of famous State of the Union moments.

Whether you think Pelosi gesture was trivial, or depicted the House Speaker as a feminine being all too eager to showcase her emotions, you have to acknowledge her finesse to take one of the most grandeur event’s like the American President State of the Union Address and have us all talking as much about her ripping President Trump speech. Very good speech by President Trump which makes Nancy Pelosi appear obviously, touchy

Quite a relationship between these two; Trump, and Nancy. From 2019, remember the clap to 2020, Nancy rip it, Trump moment and no applause for anything the President had to say.

Close Analytics: SpyGate

OBT International Spy Story:  Chapter May 23, 2018


‘Close Analytics, Throw Away the Key. No! Give it to Stormy’

It was getting harder each day to conceal the panic; tensed emotions to keep Analytics conceal was the principal focus. The secret was out. The gate was wide open and finding a way to put the genie back in the bottle was less likely to happen. The polls conveyed that the leaks, the narratives fed by the media to spin were having little effect on the masses to rely on. It was time to restore trust in key agencies, but with Sharon Mc’Daniel new post as Head of the CIA, and extremely appreciative that President Baxter had nominated her for the position; her record proved she was most likely to be an asset to the findings. Rank and File members who were key players to protect the OBT campaign agitation was expressed throughout the Halls of Congress. Many legislators felt the only way out was to escalate Baxter impeachment. Congress Mike Wilson had eyes and ears over data washing at Analytics. Wilson had proposed to his handler to abolish all files, contacts, and every associate and affiliate all the way down to janitors and cooks. Surveillance was destroyed before anyone considered highly classified data was stored offsite and tucked away in the vaults of Analytics whom recently filed bankruptcy and closed it’s doors back in January. #FACEBOOK #HoustonChronicle#WashingtonPost #CNNI #FareedZakaria #NewYorkTimes #ForeignAffairs#MiddleEast


Storytelling: “OBT Internationtional Spy”

May 21, 2018: Having Fun, Sharing My Passion!

Between scenes of my favorite weekly series Scandal and real-time political spy games unfolding on a daily basis, I am convinced my online and offline activities are hacked!  I am eager to know and I am sure that in due time it shall be revealed if there are moles in my camp; and who will come forward to unmask the benefactors of those who bestowed gifts upon Hollywood? Overt or subtle; using in part, a theme, a particular style, artists works are reflective of a looking-glass. Before “The Crossing” I had crossed over sitting in a coffee shop drafting my narrative of a boat of refugees that were expected to land on Galveston Island.  The city of Houston Mayor was on the island to welcome their arrival. The mayor perplexed that the boat never made it on shore, and I still have space to create. so, I will share samples of my spy novel.


As President Baxter prepare to walk onto the stage to deliver his final state of the union speech, Chad William has less than thirteen minutes to deter the president, before he gets a call that American embassies across the globe were under simultaneous attacks, reporters tuned in to listen for the last time unaware of what’s going on across the globe. The operation is underway to send the new design “OBT Space Tech”, but an American mole, a sleeper agent employed as a staffer inside the Communications Department of the Oval Office has hidden the codes, one whom anyone would least suspect. Some speculated the president daughter who has fallen in love with a Russia diplomat, the second man in the line of KGB ranks. That’s the Department of Justice Office least concern. An International Spy, a sleeper agent holds a high ranking position contracted by European Union whose sole mission is to strip away American’s sovereignty to form an alliance with a secretive globalist alliance. This is the schisms that have taken place; protests, with a mixture of genuine voices overbearing partisan participation some overt, other’s subtle; spearheading democratic causes, the stage is set to lead America to her untimely fate and place her sovereignty in a pivotal role among the elitist globalist society. #FACEBOOK #HoustonChronicle #WashingtonPost #CNNI#FareedZakaria #NewYorkTimes #ForeignAffairs #MiddleEast